434R8.4. For the purposes of sections 434R8.1 to 434R8.14, the purchase threshold of a registrant for a particular day is equal to the total of all amounts each of which is(1) an amount that, on or before the particular day and in the fiscal year of the registrant that includes the particular day, became due, or was paid without having become due, by the registrant for a taxable supply, other than a zero-rated supply, of property or a service that was acquired in Québec by the registrant or was acquired outside Québec by the registrant and brought into Québec by the registrant; and
(2) either(a) included in determining the cost to the registrant of the property or service for the purposes of the Taxation Act (chapter I-3), or
(b) tax payable by the registrant in respect of the acquisition or bringing into Québec of the property or service.